black rose

This time I was keen,keen to  read what she said with her eyes , the obsession, the tormented love ,wrong at every level, one only understood by the screaming child strapped in the dark corners of a basement ,loud but muzzled, the path of thorns, one would wonder why she felt it's what she deserved ,a black rose... and I knew that she didn't just want mere kisses she hungered volcanic eruptions to sear in her mouth,to engulf her senses in molten cascades, for each touch to be more than caresses but seismic shifts that left deep furrows from mangled fingers that plucked the broken strings of her body igniting shivers that tremble through her very being,she knew no normal love,but a cataclysm,a collision of elemental forces that raged with an intensity unmatched by any mortal flame, and from her forbidden lover she hoped with every embrace , a surrender to their primal pull of lust , consumed by a hunger that knows no bounds and so she craved the fairytale ending but not with the handsome prince... with the wolf.

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