2 AM reverie

What seemed to be a quiet night to others bore a cacophony of inner clamour within me. I find myself awake, wrestling with shadows, Praying to a higher power, seeking solace, As fear and love entwine, a delicate balance.

Fear has been a paralysis I'm well acquainted to. Whispering doubts, casting shadows on my sight, What if this beauty slips through my grasp? What if love’s fragile thread unravels at last?

Love, oh love, aren't you a fleeting bliss?A flame that flickers , igniting my heart,I hold it close, like a fragile glass, Afraid to shatter the magic it holds fast. Don't let me sink without a true love's kiss.

Doubt dances with hope, a tangled waltz, As I teeter at the brink of what could be false, Is this connection real, or just a pipe dream? A fragile bridge suspended over a rushing stream. A cataclysm waiting to break my heart's bounds.

But resolve stirs within, a quiet fire, A promise to fight, to rise higher, To embrace the uncertainty, the ebb and flow, And find strength in vulnerability’s glow.

Darkness and hope, a staring contest .Two sides of a coin, forever tethered, In the quiet of 2 AM, I choose my path, To hold on, to believe, to weather love’s wrath.

So I pray, not for certainty, but for grace, To navigate this labyrinth, find my place, And as the night fades into dawn’s embrace, I’ll keep my heart open, ready to love regardless.

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