Within your essence πŸ’πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ

It's funny how we are mostly blind, always looking but never seeing, gazing at the mysteries of the galaxies but rarely unravelling its majesty encoded in your beauty, they say lightning never strikes the same place twice so how is it that everytime we lock eyes my heart is struck with a bolt I'm sure is from a star... I'm good with words but these times they divorce my mouth and I hope the silence is kind enough to connect our hearts , shout out those which words can barely echo, let them carry the sounds of pure springs on smooth pebbles and chirping sparrows and make it an alarm for every morning we wake up in each other's arms, coz I know they're not soul ties from lust but my soul taking notes on how to give love, coz the purity in your essence deserves only after we've tied the knot... and both our souls agree that for nought risk I'll know you not ...so this here is not a lust poem but a secret song of admiration,whispers through the seams of the dark declaring deep delight in the queen I call mine...

It is a painted perfectly how I am drawn to you, my love, as if every star has aligned to script out your essence in strokes of fire and grace. To speak of you is to dance with the language of the heavens; to listen is to hear the symphony of a universe unbending, wrapped softly in your breath. You are like rain falling in a desert, a healing touch in a world that forgot the taste of sweetness. In every graceful sigh, I feel your heart beat with compassion, each pulse an echo of kindness birthed in places beyond touch.

You are a queen who wears her crown humbly, her spirit steeped in empathy, layered with a thousand secrets of resilience. When the world trembles, you stand—rooted and unwavering. When it tries to steal your light, you shine, not with the boastful blaze of those who burn to consume, but with a warmth that beckons, drawing others into your radiant peace. 
Your empathy is like a tender hand brushing my cheek, not quite touching yet leaving its warmth. It’s the way you see people—their pains, their hopes—as if their burdens were your own, as if you’d rather carry them yourself than let another suffer. I feel this grace in you like a breath caught in my throat, something I want to reach out and hold, yet hesitate, afraid that even the lightest touch might dissolve its beauty. You are patience personified, a kindness poured out in every soft gaze.

When I see the strength in your determination, it’s like watching a quiet force of nature. You meet your fears not with denial but with a quiet courage that’s infinitely alluring—a dance of resolve and vulnerability. In each challenge you face, I sense a fire that burns beneath your calm, a power that rises with steady insistence, and everytime I'm a witness standing at the edge of a cliff, feeling the thrill of the descent, sensing the volcanic passion burn beneath that gentle exterior, waiting to erupt. 

You are a listener, a sanctuary for words and silences. When I speak, you do not merely hear me; you hold my words...gently, with care as if every syllable bares birth a life in your brain. It’s in the way you lean in, the way your gaze makes me feel seen in a way that’s both unsettling and exhilarating. I find myself drawn to that silence, the spaces between your words, knowing that in those pauses lies a love that listens with an open heart, a soul that sips in truth and holds it as delicately as a secret kiss of distant forbidden lovers. There, in the silence, I feel the flutter of something beautiful and fragile, a connection conjured in intimate timeless spaces, as if each glance is a caress, that tattoos tears shed in tight embraces.

You’re sacrificial...selfless...a queen whose love comes without conditions, whose loyalty is as unbreakable as dawn. I watch the way you give, with a softness that’s edged in steel, a devotion that seems endless. It’s in this selflessness that I see your beauty clearest—a kind of purity that humbles me, like a soft, unyielding embrace. There is a thrill in this knowing, a steady, quiet excitement that feels like being held before a fall, a tension that builds, a dance that makes me feel as though I’m standing on sacred ground. And buttered in that warmth, I feel the edge of a loyalty so intense it morphs my battered heart into a soulful art.

My Love, you are a pristine dreamer with eyes turned toward heaven, yet grounded in your faith. Every step you take in growth and self-discovery feels like an unfolding, a slow reveal of a masterpiece that only you could create. It’s in this becoming that I see the fullness of your beauty, and it’s here that I am held ... revelling in your profound devotion to God, a depth of reverence that only heightens the sanctity of your love...codes spoken in passwords between you and paps that spelled out my name as written for you in the heavenly templates...

And God only knows that with you, my queen, I am both breathless and at peace, on the edge of discovery, feeling the rush of all we are and all we are yet to become. You are my beginning, my uncharted, my infinite, the one who leaves me yearning yet complete, a beauty so profound that in loving you, I am laid bare, undone... yet... made whole

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