Out of reach

She looked at me again... Huh...Maybe they  might be right. There might not be a world where two dissimilar peas can exist in one pod so  I looked back ...only with more questions and desire this time and every time since the first time I realized the time bomb ticking under the benign cover I hold hoping nothing volatile seeps through the seams .I know I've been here before and maybe she knows or she doesn't...but somehow  it seems that  for us it is ok to linger ...to wait in the moment of what could be...but not grasp it too tightly... understand it's not supposed to be tamed...or held down to labels....just left to be savoured in the meeting of the eyes, in the fleeting fragrance of this momentary triste of two souls drawn to what they know to them is supposed to let lie... and as soon as it is pleasing when it comes it is allowed to leave into the unpredictability of the next moment.

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