motion pictures 🎬

Lilac darling πŸ¦„πŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸ’œπŸŒΉ⚓,
 I almost stopped breathing, when the engine revved and the door was closed I knew as this vehicle lumbered by I was being voyaged further from you, and with each passing mile, it felt like a crime. It was nice to see the landscape shift but my mind was stuck in the reminisce of scenes and scenery of Sunday afternoon ,sacred images of you- your beauty,your warmth dancing behind my eyes, everything that I'm now leaving behind.

I remember how the light spilled,accentuating the deep brown mahogany hues of the wooden partitioning, the cold air begging us to sandwich ourselves in the sirens of our bodies, We sat side by side, It wasn't close enough, though as I tried to stick to the script, pencil in hand, my canvas slowly became forgotten as I became enraptured by the art that is us. Your laughter was a melody, a sweet delicate tune that reverberated through the melted walls of my heart, your eyes full of a thousand unspoken words drawing me closer.

We began to trace the contours of each others' bodies first with our fingers,then with the edge of our lips. Your skin was the canvas,my touch was the brush ,as I stroked intently through the path I knew so well,yet discovered anew everytime we married our bodies. I could feel your breath hitch as my fingers paused on your collarbone and our eyes painting love emojis on each others' soul.

We abandon the pretenses of art, letting our ravenous desire take over, the need for each other consuming us. Our kisses were desperate,full of sadness and longing as if we were trying to pour into each other every cell crafted in love one last time before I leave. The world became reduced to the short breaths we took between the passionate french kisses.

Our moans were a symphony, a low sultry rising and falling with every touch,every caress, I remember how your back arched, when I wrapped my arms across your back to your chest, how you paused when I found the beat between your blossom, how you stilfled the moans when I intermittently kissed your neck down to your breasts through your belly button until I discovered the heat between your thighs. Your divine submission to the abandon adoration of my lips on honeypot, vulnerability and trust as I assured your power from insecurities...your hands fondle fondly my nippy hair as you closed your eyes to savour the pleasure.

Declaring expensive love to honeypot was my tongue's greatest mission, and afterwards a glorious tuning of it's sweet sounds by my hands and watch your eyes open portals to the heavenly garden where our souls entwine. When we gave in to the  desire, it was like our bodies were choreographed my the angels, my hands found their rest on the curvature of your butt and every thrust,every lost breath became a bridge between our flesh and our spirits, I could feel the way we clung to each other and whispers through the intensity of our pleasure .
Crescendo built up in the stacks of desire and art in the motion between us and not once but thrice we busted in the compound cascades of ecstasy and soaring souls, the physical elevation was nothing compared to the soul utopia that dared to  pacify the awakening that is the distance that was to separate us. I knew this would have to suffice until I lay my eyes on you again.

Now I sit though this motion picture through the window of this bus, I could still hear your whispers,feel your bite on my earlobe, the taste of your tongue as it explores beyond my lips, I can get the whiff of your scent and the indelible mark  your essence left on my being. I know indubitably that you are my anchor,my home and no amount of distance is enough to separate me from you, for you are my breath,my muse my desire,my Love🌹.
Honey ....I couldn't imagine my year having so much bliss cause I met a person, you've reshaped my whole perception of fighting for the people I Love and with you I've had the chance to fight everyday cause I believe and I know we are one. Thank you Lilac darling πŸ’œπŸ’―πŸ¦„ for not just walking this far with me...but for seeing me in your foreverπŸ’―⚓πŸ‘‘...I see you in mineπŸ€žπŸ‘ΈπŸΌ...I love you baby. Happy Anniversary 🧬😘

Forever yours 

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