the echoes of anticipation

I didn't realize. The number of subtle head tilts and side eye gazes as dopamine begged to be released by the popping of a notification....excuse me cause I don't want to make this somewhat a facile gossip... the notification, I could not realize the extent of how I was entranced by the enigma of a silent screen. The frustration was building up as I slowly began to second guess my text....or perhaps a call would have sufficed, this was a novelty for me, I was beyond the immature disposition of circumstantial infatuation. This was just another phantom of a false reminisce, she was not supposed to be more than a friend, yet.... I could not seem to stop this train of thoughts from running amock, what could be taking her too long, today of all days? I could not recall how many times I tried to let the phone lie before it was all up in my face, as its soft glow caressed my face, illuminating the shadows that danced with my thoughts. A message was sent, a heart poised on the edge of anticipation, yet time lingered, as if to court my anxiety, a thief stealing away moments...

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